Sunday, December 29, 2019
Malcolm X Essay - 932 Words
Americans often say that Malcolm X was  ¡Ã‚ °the angriest Negro in America ¡Ã‚ ± (p. 366). They assume that Malcolm X emphasized only violence to the white and separation of the black from the white. However, is this assumption about Malcolm X really true? Not, at all. The image of Malcolm X as an icon of  ¡Ã‚ °black power ¡Ã‚ ± is not a truth but a myth made by media. Although I grant that Malcolm X had been a radical activist who had tried to improve life of the black and to separate the black from the white before quitting the Nation of Islam, I still argue that Malcolm X eventually realized that the white and the black could exist together with harmony under GOD, Allah, after Hajj. While orthodox Islam is completely a religion, the Nation of Islam is†¦show more content†¦For instance, in  ¡Ã‚ °Message to the Blackman in America, ¡Ã‚ ± Elijah Muhammad states,  ¡Ã‚ °WE BELIEVE this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negroes and the so-called white Americans. ¡Ã‚ ± While working as a minister of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X was so absorbed in its theology that he often went to TV and radio shows to spread its argument of the separation. Especially, Malcolm X loved its historical analysis about racial discrimination. The Nation of Islam states,  ¡Ã‚ °WE BELIEVE that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their  ¡Ã‚ ®friends. ¡Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¡Ã‚ ± Having suffered from the white, Malcolm X thought that the white had been the evil who always tried to exploi t the black. However, after the scandal of the adultery of Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X was disappointed and realized that the Nation of Islam was not different from the white society, and he finally quit it and decided to go on Hajj. During Hajj, Malcolm X realized that the Nation of Islam he had believed in without doubt was quite different from orthodox Islam and that the separation which the Nation of Islam had constantly argued was unnecessary. Malcolm X states,  ¡Ã‚ °Elijah Muhammad ¡Ã‚ ¯s Nation of Islam had a lawsuit going against me, to forceShow MoreRelatedMalcolm X2364 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿ Introduction Malcolm X is seen as quite a controversial person. His admirers see him as a courageous human rights activist who campaigned for the rights of African Americans and showed white America how racist it was. His enemies see him as a racist, anti-Semitic and violent person. Malcolm X was orphaned early in life. At the age of six his father was killed and it has been rumoured that white racists were responsible. Seven years later his mother passed away after which he lived in a seriesRead MoreMalcolm Of The Malcolm X Journey2039 Words  | 9 PagesThe Malcolm X Journey Malcolm Little was born in the mid twentieth century, these were difficult times for the black youth. As Little grew older he knew there needed to be change, he was one of the few people that was capable of making that happen for the fellow African-American and African. At a very young age Malcolm grasped the concept that there s something not right, that there needed to be an alteration and thus is where he started his studies. Malcolm needed to be outspoken he wanted toRead MoreEssay on Malcolm X962 Words  | 4 PagesMalcolm X On May 19, 1925 Malcolm Little was born to Louise and Earl Little. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska. Malcolm was the seventh of eleven children. Malcolms father, Earl, was a Baptist minister from Reynolds, Georgia. His mother was raised in Grenada in the British West Indies. His father was also became an organizer for Marcus Garveys Universal Negro Improvement Association. Marcus Garvey and his followers fought for racial separation and more power for blacks. Growing up, MalcolmsRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1701 Words  | 7 Pagesautobiography of Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one of the most controversial Men in American history. I’m familar with the name Malcolm X however, I’m not familliar with the works and background of Malcolm X. This is why I choose to read the autobiography of Malcolm X written by himself and Alex Haley. Which gives the read an insight on his background, beliefs, and the American society then. I believe that many people including my self have misunderstood Malcolm X. I believe that Malcolm X is misunderstoodRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X791 Words  | 4 Pageslife. Malcolm X told his life story of how he overcame in his autobiography simply called The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. His life changed the world historically, socially, and especially politically by taking a stand against racism of all kinds which still exists in today’s â€Å"modern†standards. Using his personal life experience with racism towards African-Americans, Malcolm spreads the word on equality for all with a realistic tone that inspires trust in him. Malcolm X reachesRead MoreWho is Malcolm X?1087 Words  | 5 PagesMalcolm X Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the son of Louise Norton and Earl Little. He lived with 7 brothers and sisters. Malcolm’s father was an outspoken Baptist minister and on various occasions received death threats forcing his family to relocate twice before Malcolm’s fourth birthday. Malcolm’s father Earl Little, was a man of the Baptist preaching community who was a supporter of large civil right movements. Earl had many encounters withRead MoreEssay on Malcolm X1699 Words  | 7 Pages The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley was published in 1965. It is national best seller about the life and times of Malcolm X. On May 19, 1925 Malcolm Little was born in Omaha, Nebraska. His father was a preacher who spoke out about the unity of black people. This caused several white racists to strike out against Malcolm’s father and his family violently. His family moved to Lansing, Michigan where Malcolm, his parents, brothers, and sisters were shot at, burned out of their home, harassedRead MoreEssay on Malcolm X1346 Words  | 6 Pagesamong all of these leaders though, Malcolm X. Although fighting for the same thing as his colleagues in the civil rights movements, he was considered by many to represent the more extreme side of the battle for equa lity in the United States. It is his standout views and beliefs that make Malcolm X one of the most prominent and fascinating African-American leaders in the 1950s and 60s. Malcolm X was born May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska by the name of Malcolm Little. His childhood was plaguedRead More Malcolm X Essay1409 Words  | 6 PagesMalcolm X Malcolm X, a civil rights leader in the 1960s believed that blacks and whites should be segregated. He also believed that white man was evil and were trying to brainwash all blacks and that Martin Luther Kings non-violent protests werent working and that violence was needed for change. Malcolm Xs life was a life with a lot of conflict and violence in it. Malcolm X was born under the name of Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska in 1925. His father was a baptist minister and anRead MoreThe Education Of Malcolm X Essay984 Words  | 4 Pageswrite to express your feelings and communicate with others. Frederick Douglass and Malcom X both succeeded in learning how to read and write, but in different ways. The education of Malcolm X was learned more formally. Frederick Douglass learned from his surroundings and the people around him. Malcom and Frederick battled in reading and writing, but learned in similar and different ways. During the 1960s, Malcolm X was one of many articulate and powerful leaders of black America. Before he was a street
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Black Death And The Bubonic Plague - 1949 Words
Pursell The Black Death Reassessed What really happened to Europe during Black Death? For years, the accepted version of the event has been that a plague from the East, carried by rodents who were infected by fleas, traveled by trade routes and subsequently infected Europeans. The name of this plague is infamously known as the Bubonic Plague; it’s said to have claimed the lives of a third of the continent’s population. Not everyone accepts the prominent version of this event though. In this essay, we will read of two scholars who dispute the official narrative of the Bubonic plague; one scholar will apply this revisionism solely to England, whereas the other will look at Europe as a whole. Moreover, death toll estimates will be scrutinized too. In addition, we will read of a third scholar who offers insight into the aftermath of the Black Death in England in terms of its social and economic development. Clearly, something devastating struck Europe in the 14th century. W hatever it was might not ever be exactly known. However, for the sake of understanding its true impact upon European society, it’s worth reassessing this long-held account. In his writing, The Black Death: End of a Paradigm, Samuel K. Cohn Jr. argues that the Black Death of 14th century Europe was not the same illness as the bubonic plague. To help illustrate his argument, Cohn compared the Black Death of 14th century Europe to the agent of the bubonic plague, Yersinia pestis, which was discovered in Hong KongShow MoreRelatedThe Black Death Of The Bubonic Plague1304 Words  | 6 PagesThe Black Death The Black Death also known as the Bubonic plague was a deadly disease that swept through Europe in the late 1340s to the early 1350s, wiping out over twenty five to forty million people. It is called the Black Death because when victims got sick, they developed massive bulges on their bodies that turned purple and black. The bubonic plague originated in the arid plains of Central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343. From there, it was most likelyRead MoreThe Black Death And The Bubonic Plague892 Words  | 4 PagesThe Black Death or the bubonic plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and peaking in Europe in the years 1346–53. The black death first appeared in Europe in 1347 in Sicily, the disease was most likely brought to Europe on a ship that had been trading on the black sea. The black plague was carried by flea-infested rodents and spread rapidly. Almost half of Europe was killed by the bubonic plague. So muchRead MoreThe Black Death Of The Bubonic Plague1659 Words  | 7 PagesThe research topic I have chosen to do my paper on is the â€Å"Black Death†which is also referred to as â€Å"the bubonic plague†. Medieval people also referred to it as â€Å"the blue sickness†, â€Å"pestilence†and â€Å"the Great Mortality†. The Black Death was an epidemic from 1343 – 1353, it came to Europe via trading ships after a long journey through the Black Sea. The plague originated in Eastern Asia and worked its way via the trade ships into Western, Europe. The vessels were crammed full of rats and fleasRead MoreThe Black Death : The Bubonic Plague Of The Thirteen Thousands Swept Through Europe Essay1298 Words  | 6 PagesTaylor Hurst Dr. Reedy College English 13 October 2016 The Black Death The bubonic plague of the thirteen hundreds swept through Europe, claiming the lives of one-third of its population in merely three years. This was the most horrific epidemic the world has seen to date. Poor sanitation practices, improper burial of corpses, and insufficient systems for waste removal were important factors in allowing the plague to manifest (Byrne 31). Infected fleas and rats, brought by trade ships and theRead MoreBubonic Plague766 Words  | 4 PagesI. Thesis Statement: The symptoms of the bubonic plague spread rapidly causing outbreaks and identifying the need for modern science to deal with epidemics. II. Topic Sentence: The bubonic plague or otherwise known as the black plague spread extremely fast and there were many symptoms of the disease. A. There are many initial symptoms and symptoms before death of the black plague. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague†E medicine. 24 December 2004. , Velendzas, DemetresRead MoreThe Black Death Essay1196 Words  | 5 Pagescircle and then falling down. The nursery rhyme refers to the Black Death, one of the worst plagues of all time (Schladweller). Known as infectious diseases that spread quickly and kill countless people, plagues have had a tremendous affect on people around the world since the beginning of time. The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, is a contagious bacterial infection that has killed millions of people. With the bubonic plague brutally killing one fourth of Europe in the 14th century andRead MoreBubonic Plague1154 Words  | 5 PagesBubonic plague is believed to have brought the Byzantine empire to its knees in the 6th century. This is the first ever documented record of bubonic plague in human history. B ut the fact that bubonic plague continues to afflict human population even today is a matter of concern. Your bubonic plague research paper would revolve around the premise of it being a deadly disease, but we assure you that we won’t scare you by the facts. Bubonic plague is typically differentiated from other infections becauseRead MoreThe Black Death And The Plague Outbreak1331 Words  | 6 Pagesoutbreaks in history was the plague outbreak which peaked in 1346 to 1353, in Europe, commonly known as the Black Death. This plague outbreak was extremely deadly and killed 30-60% of the European population at the time of the outbreak. The outbreak is commonly believed to have been caused by the bubonic plague, but modern evidence suggests that the Black Death was caused by pneumonic plague, a much more contagious and deadly infection. The Black Death was the second major plague outbreak in history, theRead MoreThe Plague Of Bubonic Plague1714 Words  | 7 Pagescharacteristics. The diffusion, history, and cure are just a couple universal aspects that contribute to the well known, yet unforgiving disease known as the Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic Plague diffused to many people during its time of dominance. To start, the Bubonic Plague is transmitted to other living organisms in a distinct way. The plague bacteria circulates among different populations of certain rodents without causing an excessive amount of rodent die-off (â€Å"Centers for Disease Control andRead MoreQuestions On The Black Death1336 Words  | 6 PagesSTUDIES TERM 4 HISTORY Name: Jemimah Hulme THE BLACK DEATH 1. HOME PAGE Introduction: in a few sentences, summarise What Is the Black Death? (WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, HOW, WHY) The Black Death, also known as ‘The Bubonic Plague’ was a devastating pandemic in the 14th century, affecting mainly Europe. It was caused by a deadly bacteria, ‘Yersinia Pestis’ that caused large, pus-filled swellings on the victim’s body. In the space of 5 years, the plague spread rapidly and claimed the lives of 25 million
Friday, December 13, 2019
Political Dynasty, Is It Acceptable or Not Free Essays
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA FCL 6 Jerome B. Rustia BS-AE 1. ) Political Dynasty, is it acceptable or not? * Political Dynasty is not acceptable for me because it is not fair to other people who deserve in such position in politics. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Dynasty, Is It Acceptable or Not? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Give chance to other to have a good leadership. Not only in one family the true/wise leader will come, every family/dynasty have it. 2. ) Must there be an absolute separation of church and state? Church and state must have no absolute separation because church is commanded by God through the use of priest/pope, on the other hand in state it is head by an president, prime minister etc. . Those politicians are also choose by God also to help such people, to produce good things in our society and it is again commanded by God by different purposes. 3. ) Is same sex marriage acceptable in our modern society? * No, it is not acceptable in our modern society because as a Christian people and one of the Christian country in Asia, God only created 2 gender which are the men and women. You can love your same gender as friend or companions but marrying them are not acceptable in the eyes of many people and in our God. 4. ) Was the Pope’s resignation beneficial or detrimental to the church? * No, because when you were choose by God as a Pope you must served God forever whether you have some deficiency. God has a purpose so you must stand on it. 5. ) Conflict in South China Sea or West Philippines, a failure in leadership or a historical dilemma? It is a failure in leadership because that island is Philippine territory it is closer to the Philippine than other country. . . so what are president do? He just talk to the Chinese President then what is the result? Like in what I saw in the television lately, the wild life resources that the Chinese caught in Philippine sea was not back yet in us. Why did the president do on that problem? He just sat there and waiting for the help of United Nation. We are independent country so the first move must be on us not in ou r alliances. How to cite Political Dynasty, Is It Acceptable or Not?, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Free Sample Notes For Research Methods For Business
Questions: 1. Comment on the following situation.The dilemmas of Dorothy DunningDorothy Dunning, Chief Production Manager, was on top of the world just two years ago. In her nontraditional job, she was cited to be the real backbone of the company, and her performance was in no small measure responsible for the mergers the institution was contemplating with other well-known global corporations.Of late, though, the products of the company had had to be recalled several times owing to safety concerns. Quality glitches and production delays also plagued the company.To project a good image to consumers, Dunning developed a very reassuring website and made sweeping changes in the manufacturing processes to enhance the quality of the product, minimize defects, and enhance the efficiency of the workers. A year after all these changes, the company continues to recall defective products!2. Given the situations below:a. discuss, with reasons, whether they fall into the category of applied or basic researc h;b. for Scenario 1, explain, with reasons, who will conduct the research.Scenario 1 To acquire or not to acquire: that is the questionCompanies are very interested in acquiring other firms, even when the latter operate in totally unrelated realms of business. For example, Coca-Cola has announced that it wants to buy China Huiyuan Juice Group in an effort to expand its activities in one of the world's fastest-growing beverage markets. Such acquisitions are claimed to "work miracles." However, given the volatility of the stock market and the slowing down of business, many companies are not sure whether such acquisitions involve too much risk. At the same time, they also wonder if they are missing out on a great business opportunity if they fail to take such risks. Some research is needed here!Scenario 2 Reasons for absenteeismA university professor wanted to analyze in depth the reasons for absenteeism of employees in organizations. Fortunately, a company within 20 miles of the campu s employed her as a consultant to study that very issue.Scenario 3 Effects of service recovery on customer satisfactionA research scientist wants to investigate the question: What is the most effective way for an organization to recover from a service failure? Her objective is to provide guidelines for establishing the proper 'fit" between service failure and service recovery that will generalize across a variety of service industries. Answers: Comment on the following situation Dorothy Dunning, the chief production manager for the company had taken every possible measure to correct the situation. The companys image had suffered a lot due to deteriorating quality of products. Dunnings efforts to enhance the image by launching an online campaign by launching a reassuring website. This step seemed to be correct as this is the fastest and the cheapest way to connecting with customers. Dunning seemed to be aware of the power of the power of the internet and its impact on the minds of the customers without incurring high costs of traditional marketing campaign. This was an innovative idea on rhe part of Dunning to start a positive campaign. The results of this campaign is however not very clear form the case study as it is not stated whether the company had been able to gain advantage from the online campaign. On the other hand the most critical problem was to plug the production of faulty products. Dunning took the usual steps that one would take to enhance quality assurance and quality maintenance. Dunning also tried to improve employee efficiency. But even after a year the steps seem to have not resulted in any positive result. It seems that Dunning had not been able to locate the actual problem as even after taking all the usual possible steps the situation did not improve. Hence it can be said that Dunning was unable to locate the actual problem in the production line. Secondly, even after not getting results using the usual steps taken for quality enhancement and assurance, Dunning needed to take some innovative steps to enhance and maintain quality of products. 2 (a) In the scenario 1 where Coca Cola wants to acquire Chinas Huiyun Juice Group by buying out much research is needed into the proposal. The research needed would be applied research about the actual market situations in China, which the Coca Cola Company is backing on the worlds fastest growing beverage market, China, for its increased sales from the acquisition. The theories of market research, risks theories of acquisitions and volatility of the global market need to be tallied with the actual on the ground situation in the Chinese market (Collier, 2003). In scenario 2 where the university professor wants to analyze the reasons for absenteeism has to employ applied research. Here the professor would have to find out from the factory workers where she has been offered employment as a consultant, their reasons for absenteeism and arrive at practical decision on the subject. The aim is to find out in-depth knowledge about absenteeism based on some basic knowledge about the subject already known and use the actual on the ground situation at the factory (Fields, 2002). As in scenario 1, here too the research aims to find out practical solutions to the problem. In the scenario 3, the researcher needs to conduct basic research where he would find solutions to a general problem. The researcher would not have access to practical situations. The researcher would depend on the researches already done. The aim of the research is to prepare general guidelines on the subject and hence basic research work is needed. 2 (b) In scenario1, the research should primarily carried out by market experts form the company. Some help can be sought from survey agencies who can do a survey among the customers in the Chinese market about beverages. The reason for conducting the research by in house representatives is that they are the best judge of the situation and are aware of the company objectives behind the research. Moreover there is also the question of integrity as the research is vital for the Coca Cola Company to take a business decision that would have far reaching consequences (Webster, 2004). References Collier, P. (2003).Accounting for managers. West Sussex, England: J. Wiley. Fields, E. (2002).The essentials of finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers. New York: AMACOM. Oldcorn, R. (1993).Accounting for managers. London: Routledge. Webster, W. (2004).Accounting for managers. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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