
Monday, March 4, 2019

Living in a Global Society Rubric

Living in a planetary fraternity Integrated unit Assignment and Rubric/Feedback cerement Description Teacher candidates volition increase an instructional unit based on a realistic allegory trade al-Quran. Additional information 1. The selected trade book leave alone vex part or all of its setting in a ground other than the building blocked States of America. 2. The unit impart display integration of oral communication arts ( side of meat usage, writing/composition, and spelling), leading (comprehension and fluency), math, science, brotherly studies, the arts, tangible education, and student lend oneself of engineering science. . The arts, physical education, and technology impart contend to be incorporated into exactly one lesson each somewhere within your unit. These do not need to be done on a daily basis. b. Language arts, run downing, math, science, social studies ordain need to be integrated into each solar daylighttimes instructional planning. 3. Lea rning activities need to incorporate at least tercet of the five followers items a. Culture and cultural diversity b. Time, continuity, and change c. Economic, scientific, and technical development d. separates, groups, and institutions . Civic ideals and practice of the country that is the setting of the book 4. The integrated unit pass on cover three complete days instruction. local anaesthetic pacing guides are not to be taken into account. The three days of instruction volition be done on fancy disc Sheets. enliven indicate content areas that are being integrated. 5. All abstract standards for each integrated lesson are to be listed. 6. Template for submitting on following page. 7. hotshot full days instruction will likewise be developed using the Blueprint Lesson Plan format.Candidates will break up any one of the three days developed on Plan Book Sheets as the day that also gets Lesson Plans. 8. Candidates will encounter an various(prenominal) checkpoint meetin g with their instructor to ensure appropriate progress is being make towards completion of this assignment. 9. Candidates will bring a copy of their Rubric/ reply Sheet for Individual Unit Meetings to their unit meeting with starred items ideal before meeting 10. Completed unit assignments will be submitted in a zip bag on a flash let with rubric.After any editing, the candidate will upload finalized version to Task Stream. 11. Please email questions to me at emily. emailprotected edu ELE 4030 Living in a Global Society Plan Book Sheet for Unit Assignment condescension book hired and grade level of instruction Snow lever by Marie McSwigan Grade 4 Instructional day (Circle appropriate one) solar day 1 sidereal day 2 Day 3 Focus for this day understructure of Story Vocabulary, Geography, Science and Math Content area (s) address in this lesson Reading, Writing , Geography, Social Studies , Science and MathReado ELE 4030 Living in a Global Society Plan Book Sheet for Unit Ass ignment Trade book intaked and grade level of instruction Snow revalue by Marie McSwigan Grade 4 Instructional day (Circle appropriate one) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Focus for this day Continuation of Story Comprehension, Geography, Science and Math Content area (s) address in this lesson Reading, Writing , Geography, Social Studies , Science and Math Reado ELE 4030 Living in a Global Society Plan Book Sheet for Unit AssignmentTrade book used and grade level of instruction Snow foster by Marie McSwigan Grade 4 Instructional day (Circle appropriate one) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Focus for this day Conclusion of Story Comprehension, Geography, Science and Math Content area (s) addressed in this lesson Reading, Writing , Geography, Social Studies , Science and Math Reado The University of northerly Carolina at Pembroke School of procreation Teacher Education ELE 4030 Living in a Global Society Integrated Unit Assignment and Rubric/Feedback Sheet Candidate persuasion of Assignment Possib le points Cover sheet (Candidates name, course, semester & year, Integrated Unit based on (name of trade book), level of -10 if absent or instruction incomplete Plan book sheet completeness & uncloudedness 10 Lesson plans in Elementary Lesson Plan Format, completeness, and clarity 10 estimator program integration 10 Language arts strategies 10 Reading strategies 10 Math strategies 10 Science strategies 10 Social studies strategies 10 humanities strategies 5 Physical education strategies 5 Student use of technology 5 Developmental appropriateness 5 Total points earned stunned of 100 & Instructor comments /100 University of North Carolina at Pembroke School of Education Elementary Education Department Rubric/Response Sheet for Individual Unit Meetings **Candidate Cristy Prince **Book used & author Snow revalue by Marie McSwigan **Appointment day & time Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 400 p. m. Aspect of Assignment Possible Points On time for appo intment 10 One days Plan Book Sheets 20 Three Lesson Plans in Elementary Lesson Plan Format 20 Curriculum Integration 20 Meshing of activities with appropriate standards 20 Clarity/precise language 10 100 Subtotal Rubric not provided by candidate -15 Rubric provided simply starred items not completed -15 Total Comments Standards/Competencies English Language arts stopping point 1 The apprentice will keep enabling strategies and skills to read and write. closing 2 The scholar will habituate strategies and skills to comprehend schoolbookual matter that is read, heard, and viewed. design 3 The learner will make connections with text done the use of oral language, compose language, and media and technology. terminus 4 The learner will halt strategies and skills to create oral, visual and written texts. finale 5 The learner will enforce grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively. Social Studies Goal 2 The learner will examine the importance of the fictional character of ethnical groups and examine the eight-fold roles they bemuse played in the development of North Carolina. Science Goal 1 The learner will make observations and cope investigations to build an correspondence of wolf behavior and adaptation. Math Goal 1 Number and trading operations The learner will read, write, model, and compute with non-negative rational numbers. Activities/Strategies We will begin the day with the interpreting of Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan.The teacher will read obstreperously the first 10 chapters, stopping on the way to cut in phrase (Norway, Norse, kroner, Nazi, etc. ) and geography (Norway, the Arctic Circle, Poland, Germany, Britain, and France). The days activities will also include a summary written by the students on what has been read to them thus far. They will be asked to begin to think what role the Norse swallow played in the development of our country and what, if any, they have played in our state. We will also discuss how both(prenominal) populace and animals adapt to such a cold, harsh climate. During math, we will continue lecture about Norway and their system of currency. We will work on currency conversions, get-go with a basic lesson and then moving on to using the weathervane site www. xe. om to practice unless. We will further this concept in the computer lab in the afternoon with www. ixl. com. Standards/Competencies English Language Arts Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. Goal 2 The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. Goal 3 The learner will make connections with text through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, visual and written texts. Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.Social Studies Goal 2 The learner will examine the importance of the role of ethnic groups and examine the multiple roles they have played in the development of North Carolina. Science Goal 1 The learner will make observations and conduct investigations to build an understanding of animal behavior and adaptation. Math Goal 1 Number and Operations The learner will read, write, model, and compute with non-negative rational numbers. Activities/Strategies We will begin the day with the reading of Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan. The teacher will read aloud chapters 11-20, stopping along the way to introduce any new vocabulary and/or geography. The days activities will also include a summary written by the students on what has been read to them thus far.They will be asked to return our word of honor about what role the Norse have played in the development of our country and what, if any, they have played in our state. We will also discuss what animals indigenous to our country could perish in Norway. During math, we will continue talking about Norway and how they moved their gold from the core out to the Snake. We will work on word problems that revisit such a conundrum to figure what it would take to move amounts from site to site. We will further this concept in the computer lab in the afternoon with www. ixl. com. Standards/Competencies English Language Arts Goal 1 The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write. Goal 2 The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.Goal 3 The learner will make connections with text through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. Goal 4 The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, visual and written texts. Goal 5 The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively. Social Studies Goal 2 The learner will examine the importance of the role of ethnic groups and examine the multiple roles they ha ve played in the development of North Carolina. Science Goal 1 The learner will make observations and conduct investigations to build an understanding of animal behavior and adaptation. Math Goal 4 Data Analysis and Probability The learner will understand and use graphs, probability, and data analysis.Healthful Living Education Goal 6 The learner will demonstrate competency in a variety of movement forms and progression in a few to gain competence towards lifetime physical activities (NASPE Standard 1). Activities/Strategies We will begin the day with the reading of Snow Treasure by Marie McSwigan. The teacher will read aloud chapters 21-30, stopping along the way to introduce any new vocabulary and/or geography. The days activities will also include a summary written by the students on what has been read to them thus far. They will be asked to revisit our discussion about what role the Norse have played in the development of our country and what, if any, they have played in ou r state.Students will be asked to draw epitomes of what adaptations they believe that we as North Carolinians would need to make to survive in Norway. In this picture, they will also draw a picture of their favorite NC indigenous animal with their adaptations. During math, we will wrap up our discussion on Norway with a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the Norse with Americans. We will further this with a bar graph of what students believe to be attributes super C to both countries. To wrap-up our journey into Norway, we will practice our sled-moves during recess. The students will work both individually as well as in pairs to come up with the most original slalom.

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